Premiering Thematic Curation

Tim Kang ⁙ illestrater
2 min readJun 17, 2021


Challenging perspectives & curatorial experiences

Exhibition Synopsis

We are thrilled to share our next art show Distorted Reality, organized by David Ariew, consisting of 77 original works by incredible talent and curated by 35 influential artists in our past and recent history of digital art.

Each curator scored all art submissions, blind to the artist and each others’ scores, across three custom defined metrics: concept, execution, and theme. These metrics were equally weighted and the curators’ scores automatically calculated and selected the top 77 works to be minted and exhibited.

Artistic Expression

What makes this show special is that each artwork represents the same thematic prompt but depicts profoundly divergent concepts.

Each artist explored “the concept of reality and the many ways that humans distort it due to circumstances, mental health, personal or global perceptions,” through their own creative lens inducing a peculiar interconnectedness between each piece.

One could fully experience each separate work independently yet be able to sense a unified construct. Revel in the ridiculous hilarity of Chris Bjerre’s Focus or plunge deep into the meta storytelling of marcusgonser3d’s Mona and the Oracle — both fantastically representing a unique distorted reality.

The Journey

Sevens Foundation did not start out as a curation framework but evolved into one in efforts to support the community at large through elevating artists as well as creating permanence and historical significance surrounding our Genesis Grantees.

As we continued to discern which innovations would best uplift artists all while fostering a thought provoking and philanthropic ethos, we listened intently to and worked closely with David Ariew, Paris Hilton, and Brandon Kang to develop a fully fledged curatorial platform.

The resulting product is what you see today.


As Distorted Reality is Sevens’ premiere example of a curated exhibition, our core beliefs of themed art shows seem to uphold merit from our perspective.

Thus, we are even more excited for upcoming exhibitions showcasing themes of female perspective, mental health, decentralization, BIPOC perspective, freedom of speech, sexuality, and many more crucial topics to express and discuss.

We encourage all to view the exhibition and enjoy the conceptual beauties these talented artists have worked hard to bring to life. We hope your perspectives are challenged in some way while providing a refreshing experience as it did for us.

Our Sincerest Gratitude

We give much thanks to David Ariew for providing consistent and great feedback to ensure a successful curatorial experience, Koke Nunez for the initial introduction, and the GET NFT! community for all participating in this debut exhibition.

We would like to thank our incredible recent donors Sotheby’s, Justin Aversano, FriendsWithYou, and Diplo as well as our Sevens grantees, community, and our first collectors on our platform for having the utmost faith in our vision, initiative, and artists.

